
Refund Policy

At Sporti-fy, we want to ensure our users are satisfied with our services. This refund policy explains our process for handling refunds.

  1. Eligibility for Refunds: Refunds may be issued for canceled bookings or if there is an error in the booking process that prevents the user from using the facility. Refunds may not be issued if the user decides not to use the facility or if there is a change in their schedule.

  2. Refund Process: To request a refund, please get in touch with us at [email protected] with your booking details and reason for refund. We will review your request and issue a refund if eligible. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method within a reasonable time frame.

  3. Cancellation Policy: Users may cancel their booking without penalty up to 24 hours before the scheduled booking time. If the cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the booking time, the user may be charged a cancellation fee.

  4. Disputes: If there is a dispute regarding a refund, we encourage users to contact us at [email protected] to resolve the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved, users may be able to file a dispute with their payment provider.

  5. Changes to Refunds Policy: We may update this refund policy occasionally. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new policy on our app.

  6. Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please get in touch with us at [email protected].